A new service model allows procuring track maintenance work in smaller packages, reducing the risk to suppliers

Project management services for track maintenance sectors 9 and 10
The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency is responsible for Finland’s roads, railways, and waterways, as well as the comprehensive development and maintenance of the transport network as a whole. The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency promotes the functionality of the whole transport network, traffic safety, and the balanced development of different sectors and areas.
The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency tries out a new project management service model for rail network maintenance: a chosen expert is responsible for both maintenance supervision and project management.
Previously some responsibilities fell under the purview of the maintenance contracts. The challenge is to optimise the maintenance work given the life cycle of the track and the available funding, while also ensuring the safety of the rail traffic.
Welado’s experts are developing the job description and methodology of track maintenance, as well as new, more economical, and more efficient operating models for track maintenance and life cycle management.
Welado’s experts are as project managers responsible for the comprehensive maintenance supervision of the track section, some of the inspections, the planning and programming of the maintenance work, and the obligations of the main track maintenance contractor. The maintenance work is programmed and procured with framework agreements in work packages that are as a whole economically sensible. Welado’s experts are developing the job description and methodology of track maintenance, as well as new, more economical, and more efficient operating models for track maintenance and life cycle management. Welado’s experts are also involved with the development of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency’s tools for programming maintenance and processing inspection observations.
The new service model allows procuring track maintenance work in smaller packages, reducing the risk to suppliers
With the help of Welado’s experts, the operating models and methodology of maintenance work can be developed and the level of techno-economic awareness in maintenance work improved. The new service model allows procuring track maintenance work in smaller packages, which reduces the risk to the suppliers and hence the cost of the work. With the service model we are able to react to any possible changes faster than ever, develop maintenance procurements more flexibly, and experiment with new work methods. With the project management service model, the client, not just the maintenance contractor, is better informed on the current condition of the rail network and any maintenance needs.