Vehicles and maintenance


We understand the components, strengths and weaknesses of your fleet - we ensure sensible modernizations, acquisitions and asset management

Railway equipment are to be practically running 24/7, 365 days a year. Railways mission is to efficiently transport large volumes both people and goods safely, efficiently and on schedule. When travelling, the vehicles communicates with the surrounding environment: trains and vechiles needs to know when to slow down or accelerate in speeds. Operation is consuming for various vehicles components.

Investments in rail's equipments are very significant in euros - do it right

Equipment procurement involves complex requirements and dependencies that must be taken into account.  We help our customers succeed in fleet modernization and management tasks at different life cycle stages:

  • Fleet evaluation: Comparison of the performance and requirements of the current fleet. Analyses of different investment options (lifecycle extension vs. equipment purchases)
  • Achieving in mainteance: meeting certification requirements and implementation of it (ECM-certification)
  • Fleet operation and maintenance: We help define the appropriate level of maintenance, taking into account the utilization rate and load rate

  • We help you to define internal procedure descriptions, that are both effective and include definition of the training needs of installers and other personnel

Contact us

Jyrki Kataja, Business Director, rail infrastructure construction