Our BIM experts help you to tap into opportunities of digitalization within your projects and solve up-coming challenges before they arise


Towards improved productivity and co-operation with data modelling and digitalization

Our BIM experts help our customers and projects succeed in the field of data management and digitalization
With the help of our experts, information is produced, inspected, stored and utilized transparently. This leads to better productivity and collaboration on projects. We utilize a wide range of software and technologies to generate added value throughout the life cycle:

Our experts utilize a wide range of skills to make your  project succeed over the life cycle

  • Data modeling
  • Coordination and management of modeled and other data in use
  • BIM review, BIM-based design
  • BIM and BIM data modelling coordinator services
  • Identification of use of VR and AR technologies and devices in your projects
  • digital twins for modelling digital reality

Contact us

Anna-Mari Kaaranka, tietomalliasiantuntija

Contact us

Marko Tuppurainen, osaamistiimin vetäjä (BIM, digitalisaatio ja data)